No, Verification Assured is part of and is not connected or affiliated in any way with any Bulk email verification software. We do not even accept any form of advertising or paid placement from Bulk email verifier. When you use ListCleaningAdvice to find a bulk email verifier and check a verification status with Verification Assured Program you can be confident that no conflicts of interest exist.
ListCleaningAdvice is an unbiased and advertising free dictionary of bulk email verification services. It is focused on helping the consumer find the right bulk email verification software to meet their needs. The Verification Assured Program is an ethics process and is part of ListCleaingAdvice.
Verification Assured Program is a public statement that they agree to a certain set of ethical behavior in their dealings with customers. The Verification Assured Program also offers a mediation process to help solve problems. This provides the consumer with additional peace of mind and offers the bulk email verifier an additional form of differentiation in the marketplace. If the bulk email verifier does not act according to the ethics, then they lose Verification Assured status.