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Verification assured program

What is the ListCleaingAdvice verification Assured program?

Most websites on the internet, list Email verification services, and provide scrappy information, mostly an advertisement, Barely much merit for decision making. ListCleaningAdvice Gives details that can assist you to make the right choice.

What is the ListCleaingAdvcie Verification Program?

Are you looking for a reliable email verification service and need to compare Email verifier to find the best deal quickly?

What is ListCleaingAdvice Verification?

  • Verification seal is an ethics trust mark that Email verification companies display on their website and agree to abide by.
  • It is not a certification or an award given to an Email verifier.
  • Choosing one of the verified software from hundreds of email verifiers has several benefits.

All Email verification services align themselves with the code of ethics listed below.

  • All information and claims presented to the customer will be 100% accurate.
  • All Email verification services will be supplied as agreed.
  • The customer will be treated with fairness and honesty.
  • All planned service outages will be well communicated in advance.
  • All communication with the customer will be timely and responsive.
  • Every effort will be made to resolve all valid complaints in a professional and timely fashion.

If a problem arises and you cannot resolve it directly with the Email verification services.

  • Our Verification program can help.
  • The verification program cannot guarantee a solution will be reached, but we will do our best to help mediate the problem.
  • If the email verification service does not uphold the code of ethics in their dealings with you, then their ListCleainfAdvice Verified status will be removed.

Benefits of Being An verification Assured Email Verifier

  • Offers additional highlight in a competitive market
  • Gain Trust in existing customers and potential customer
  • Visitors or Potential customers can click on verification assured badge on your website and instantly review your service, and check your reliability measured by ListCleaningAdvice

How Do I Find ListCleaingAdvice Verified Companies?

ListCleaingAdvice is the only way to search for Verified bulk email verifiers. ON the home page, you can find the listing of the verified company, under the title of ListCleaingAdvice Verified Email verification services.

ListCleaingAdvice Verified Email verification services.

Badge Verified

This Right trust mark is displayed on the right side of ListCleaingAdvice Verified Email verification services.

And this Seal (Displayed on the right side) will be displayed on the Email verification service’s profile

How to Join ListCleaingAdvice verification program?

  • For now, it’s free to be part of the verification program. To be part of the verification program you must agree to the code of ethics and you must show verification trademark on your website.
  • Step 1: Make sure that your business has a valid Support Phone number in profile.
  • Step 2: Make sure that your business has a valid Address on profile.
  • Step 3: Make sure that your business has a valid Contact Us page on profile
  • Step 4: Copy and paste the following HTML code on the contact us page of your website. This code will display a seal and a button on your website to verify your "ListCleaingAdvice Verified company" status of your website.

ListCleaingAdvice Mediation Process

If you encounter a problem with an Email verification service that you could not solve yourself and you feel is counter to the ListCleaingAdvice Verification code of ethics, then you can request that Verification mediates the problem. ListCleaingAdvice Verification cannot guarantee any solution, but if the Email verification service does not follow the code of ethics, then they will lose the Good status. Please also read our terms for more information. To file a complaint/request mediation, click on the ListCleaingAdvice trust mark on the website.

Mediation Process - ListCleaingAdvice Program

The ListCleaingAdvice mediation process is web-based. The steps below occur after you begin the complaint process.

You must log in into ListCleaingAdvice or if you don’t have the account then sign up first

You will be asked to enter the details of your complaint. You must enter a solution that would satisfy your complaint.


You will then be sent an email to validate the complaint. Follow the link in the email and the complaint will become active after moderation

Email validate setup

Once active, the Email verification software will receive an email with a link to the complaint where they will be able to respond.

Email verification software

The complaint mediation thread contains the details of your complaint and requested outcome and also any responses by either you, the Email verification software or by ListCleaningAdvice Verification program

Each time a response is posted to the thread you will receive an email to let you know. The email will contain a link that allows you to read and add to the thread.

Each time you or Email verification software posts a response to the thread the email verification software will also receive an email to let them know you have made a response and a link so they can read and post to the thread.

Closing of the complaint thread can be done by the customer at any time using the link found at the top of the complaint thread page. If the customer closes the complaint the vendor will return to "In Good Standing"