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Email Verification

I have thousands of emails and increasing daily. I want to use service of email verification. What should I do?

bulk email verification

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1 Answers

Rinkal Lalani
Rinkal Lalani answered 5 years ago

If your mailing list is increasing day by day, definitely you need to use service of email verification. By using their services, your email deliverability and mail open rate will be increased.

For cleaning your mailing list, you need to find a perfect email verifier. There are so many players who offer email verification service, but how will you compare them and select suitable verifier as per your demand? It is very simple. Go to You can easily get the detailed comparison of the best email verification vendors with full analysis.

I particularly have shortlisted some email verifiers like:

All vendors offer a free trial to test their services and you will get a great insight into their providing features.