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Why does valid email bounce backs?

I recently cleaned my email list. I had a few Yahoo mail accounts that were marked as valid, even though I got bounce backs from such Yahoo mail accounts. What should be by next step? Should I email them separately and then remove the bounced emails?

email list cleaning reduce bounce back

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3 Answers

Alex Harris
Alex Harris answered 5 years ago

Yahoo is notoriously difficult to navigate in order to get accurate results: Verifalia service supports Yahoo mail exchangers as well, so you can verify Yahoo mailboxes with confidence. Thanks to our custom algorithm and A.I. we can verify the existence of any kind of email, also mailboxes such as,,,,, etc. Please have a look here: :)

Donald Vizcaino
Donald Vizcaino answered 5 years ago

All Yahoo emails are marked as catch-all emails. No company in the world will be able to tell you if a catch-all email is considered valid or invalid. Any company that tells you they are valid is misleading or has an inadequate email list cleaning solution.

ZeroBounce will classify Yahoo email addresses under the Status Catch-All and we will also provide customers with an A.I. Email Scoring Solution that will score these catch-all emails with a score from 1-10. The higher the score the higher the probability that the email is valid. Feel free to sign up for a Free Account or reach me directly [email protected]

MailboxValidator answered 5 years ago

There are many explanations for this. You can read about them at the page below: