Is Emailable really suitable to you? Know its 100% genuine reviews here
As per LCA’s latest audit report, Emailable is 95% accurate in email verification. With this, it ranks in the 6th position in the list of the top 10 most precise email verifiers audited by LCA. If we compare the latest audit report with the previous one, we must say that Emailable has improved its accuracy level as previously we found it to be 90% accurate while now it is 95%. Sounds good, right?
Turnaround Time Up To The Mark
According to industry standards, it takes 50 minutes to verify 10K emails. When we audited Emailable, it took only 300 minutes to verify 10K emails. Emailable is one of LCA's ten recommended ten fastest email list cleaning tools because of its quick verification process.
Email Trails for Free
In addition to its free email trials, Emailable provides 250 free credits to its customers, compared with 100 to 150 credits offered by most of the tools we've audited.
Due to its integration with 80+ applications, including Mailchimp, ConstantContact, AWeber, MailJet, and others, Emailable enables users to manage their email marketing activities from one place.
Account for the team
As with DeBounce, Email Inspector, and many other vendors, Emailable also offers a team account feature, allowing you to share credits among multiple team members.
Automated email verification
With Emailable, you have the option to keep on autopilot, which will do the work for you. It means it will reverify your email list daily, and you can use that clean data anytime.
Slight costly
In the list of LCA's recommended affordable email verifiers, Emailable takes 13th place. The company charges $50 for 10K email verifications.
Emailable offers 24/7 live chat support, but sometimes we found it offline. The company does not offer phone support, so you will have only one option, i.e., email support. In the absence of phone support and weak live chat support, one will not be able to receive a quick response to his/her queries after sending an email to the support team. Due to the lack of phone support and weak live chat support, one cannot get an immediate response to his/her queries.
Number of Email Verifications | Cost/Price |
5000 Email Verifications | $30 |
10000 Email Verifications | $50 |
100K Email Verifications | $420 |
500K Email Verifications | $1300 |
1M Email Verifications | $1800 |
2.5M Email Verifications | $3375 |
(Cost for 10k Email verification)
See All Affordable Email Verification VendorsNo Audit for current period
No Audit for current period.
No Audit for current period.
Emailable Accuracy | Industry Average |
No Audit for current period
No Audit for current period.
(Turnaround Time per 10k Emails)
Claimed Vs Reality
Email Inspector
Email List Validation
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Emailable "We are a team of marketers and developers creating products that they actually want to use. Emailable was built because we understand that email verification is important. It shouldn’t be expensive and hard to manage. It should be an essential step in any email marketing strategy. We wanted a more affordable, faster, and user-friendly email verification solution for ourselves, so we built it for you."
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